As we prepare to enter a brand-new year of life, Sister Stewart and I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of Greater Mt. Sinai Baptist Church for “sharing all good things” with us in your prayers, love, friendship, encouragement, support, Christmas gifts, cards, well wishes and generous love offerings (Galatians 6:6). On Christmas day, we sat at our dining room table, thanking God for how generous, caring and loving you have been to us in 2017. You have modeled the grace and love of God towards each member of our family.
Over the last few days, I have been able to reflect over the past year and I am amazed at how much God has blessed us, as a church, to accomplish.
In 2017, by the grace of God, below are just some of the things we have been able to accomplish as pastor and people:
Baptisms and Baby dedications; Home, nursing home and hospital visits; Home dedications
Pastoral pre-marital counseling/Weddings; Counseling for Bereavements/Funerals
Participation in community outreach and tutoring services
Participation in going back to school rallies; Domestic Violence initiatives
Health awareness initiatives; NA/AA strategic partnerships; Increased security presence
Fellowship with sister churches and United Missionary Baptist Association – Ordination Supervisor
Community basketball league; Ongoing Minister Training; Installation of electronic church signage
Assisted families in need; Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway (more than 50 families); Room in the Inn outreach; Toys for Tots; Soup for our Neighbors; Community & Church cookout
Inclusion of Pastor’s Bible Study Classes; Added Christian Education Courses
Improved internal processes for governing the church
Improved ministry infrastructure and strategic operations through assigning Ministry Administrators to each ministry
Many ministry opportunities during the year for all
Some of our goals for 2018 include:
Expand parking lot; Launch new church website; Christian Education community conference
Launch Evangelism, Mentoring, Greeters and Parking Lot Ministries
Increase stewardship awareness for church attendance and giving to adequately support ministry goals
Recondition exterior of Education Building; Add exterior church and directional signage
Add Minister of Music and Executive Church Secretary; Increase church security measures
Enhance church policy and procedures to ensure operational compliance in every department and ministry
I am most grateful to you for the trust and confidence that you place in me as your pastor. I do not take it lightly or for granted and it is my great privilege to serve you. On behalf of the Stewart family, I wish you God’s peace and abundant blessings in the New Year.