How To Live Enthusiastically As A Christian!

The word “liberation” means the result of being delivered from confinement or slavery. Apart from Christ, every human being needs liberation. Some need liberation from materialism, some from pornography, some from addiction, and others from sexual immorality. Still others need liberation from legalism, and the list goes on. Real liberation can only be experienced in Christ. In John 8:32, what does Jesus say about those who abide in His Word?

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Experiencing Real Liberation! (Galatians 1:1–10)

The word “liberation” means the result of being delivered from confinement or slavery. Apart from Christ, every human being needs liberation. Some need liberation from materialism, some from pornography, some from addiction, and others from sexual immorality. Still others need liberation from legalism, and the list goes on. Real liberation can only be experienced in Christ. In John 8:32, what does Jesus say about those who abide in His Word?

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Searching for Significance (Psalm 139)

At times, everyone goes through an identity crisis, which is just another way of saying that we are all searching for significance. The end of our search is Psalm 139, which can be divided into four paragraphs, with six verses in each. Each section helps us understand why we are significant. In Psalm 139, we find four reasons we are significant.

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When Life Is Unfair (Psalm 73)

We all have struggled with our faith when life is unfair. This problem inspired Asaph (Ay′ saf) to write Psalm 73. Asaph, a member of the tribe of Levi, was in charge of music at the tabernacle before Solomon built the temple. David gave some of his psalms to Asaph to be performed by him and his choir (1 Chron. 16:7). Asaph composed other psalms, including Psalm 50 and Psalms 74–83. Psalm 73 reveals four things to do when life is unfair.

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Getting Rid of your Guilt

All of us have done things we regret and wish we had never done. Therefore, we need to know how to get rid of our guilt. God tells us in Psalm 51. It is one of the few psalms we are told the context in which it was written. The inscription reads, “A psalm of David. When the prophet Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba.” David has just been exposed for his sins of adultery with Bathsheba and having her husband killed to cover up his sin. David is overwhelmed with guilt. In this psalm we find three requirements for getting rid of your guilt…

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Facing Your Fears (Psalm 34)

One of the most common causes for despair is fear. Fear comes from many directions: fear of failing health, fear of unemployment, fear of a failing relationship, parental fears, financial fears, etc. What makes matters worse is when the very thing we fear actually happens.

Psalm 34 was written during a time of great fear in David’s life. The setting is 1 Samuel 22:1. David is hiding from Israel’s first king, King Saul, who wants to kill him. Saul’s animosity toward David began after David killed the giant Goliath. When the Israelite men return home, what do the women sing in 1 Samuel 18:7b?

Because David is more popular than King Saul, Saul becomes so jealous he tries to kill David (19:10–11). Therefore, David flees into the Philistine country of Gath. He actually just “jumps out of the frying pan and into the fire” because the Philistines recognize him as the enemy who years earlier had killed their hero Goliath in battle. They drag David before the king where, fearing for his life, he pretends to be insane by scratching on the gate and letting saliva run down his beard. The king banishes him, and David hides from Saul in a cave (21:10–22:1). There he writes Psalm 34, in which we find five things required for facing our fears…

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