Associate Ministers

Deacons Ministry

Mission Statement: Deacons are the spiritual leaders of our church who are called to serve and minister to our congregation.

Meeting Time: 1st Saturday at 9:00am.

Contact: Deacon Douglas Walker

Pastor’s Aide Ministry

Mission Statement: To support our pastor and 1st family and to be an extension of the Pastor in support of activities he is unable to fulfill.

Meeting Time: Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Contact: Sister Denia Butler

Click Here for the Pastor’s Aide Brochure

Women’s Ministry

Mission Statement: This ministry focuses on fellowship, growth, and dedication of the women of our church.

Meeting Time: Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Contact: Sister LaShonda Jamison


Media Ministry

Mission Statement: To communicate news, events, and other information of importance to the body of Christ and to produce quality documents and publications. This ministry also focuses on providing information to the community about GMSBC via our website.

Meeting Time: Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Contact: Deaconess Jeanne Smith

Click here for the Media Ministry Brochure

Online Ministry

Mission Statement: To provide assistant and development relationships with the online community via Social Media

Meeting Time: Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Contact: Min. Yolanda Black

Click Here for the Online Ministry Page

Membership Development Ministry

Mission Statement: Purpose is to help Members build up their spiritual foundation and encourage them to serve in a Ministry and get involved in the work of the Lord.

Meeting Time: Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Contact: Rev. David E. Smith

Click Here to View the Membership Development Ministry Brochure Armor of God Boot Camp YouTube Video

Trustees Ministry

Mission Statement: Deacons are the spiritual leaders of our church who are called to serve and minister to our congregation.

Meeting Time: 1st Saturday at 9:00am.

Contact: Trustee Thurman Rountree

Deaconess Ministry

Mission Statement: This ministry meets the needs of the congregation and assists the Pastor.

Meeting Time: 1st Saturday at 9:00am.

Contact: Deaconess Melendy Moore

Click Here to View Deaconess Ministry Brochure


Woman’s Prayer Partners

Mission Statement: The purpose of this powerful ministry is intercessory prayer. We pray for our pastor, first family, the church, individuals who request prayer, our city, world, and nation.

Meeting Time: Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Contact: Sister Maudese Thompson

Click Here to View Woman’s Prayer Partners Ministry Brochure

Men’s Ministry

Mission Statement: This ministry focuses on fellowship, growth, and dedication of the men of our church.

Meeting Time: Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Contact: Brother Johnny McPhail


Streaming Ministry

Mission Statement: To Stream Church Services over Social Media

Meeting Time: Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Contact: Rev. Sheila P. Marshall

Click Here for Streaming Ministry Brochure

Young At Heart Ministry

Mission Statement: The purpose of this ministry is to help senior adults combat loneliness by providing Christian fellowship.

Meeting Time: Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Contact: Trustee Sheila Hailey


Marriage Enrichment Ministry

Mission Statement: Through Bible teaching, fellowship opportunities, and marriage enrichment activities, this ministry seeks to help couples grow and strengthen their relationship to Jesus Christ and their relationship with each other.

Meeting Time: Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Contact: Denis and Sandra Wilson

Marriage Enrichment Ministry Brochure

T.F. Fraylon Missionary Ministry

Mission Statement: To offer, assist and give to members of Greater Mount Sinai and the Community who are in need.

Meeting Time: Meetings scheduled as needed

Contact: Sister Susie Norton