Defeating Despair (Part 3) (Psalm 23:5–6) FROM DESPAIR TO DELIGHT SERIES

For the third time, we will look at the Twenty-Third Psalm. As previously mentioned, it is the most beloved chapter in the Bible because there are seventeen first-person pronouns—such as Imymine, and me—in these six verses. This Psalm also contains seven promises. In the previous two lessons, we considered the first five: the Lord will provide for me, pacify me, preserve me, pilot me, and protect me. In this lesson, we will examine two more promises.

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How To Defeat Despair

Now we come to the most famous and beloved chapter in the Bible. I think one reason it is so loved is its use of first-person pronouns, such as I, my, mine, and me. In fact, there are seventeen first-person pronouns in six short verses. Therefore, Psalm 23 takes us from an impersonal religion to a personal relationship with God. There are seven great promises in this psalm, and because of our personal relationship with God, each one enables us to defeat despair. In this lesson, we will look at the first three promises.

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How God Speaks to Us (Psalm 19:1–14)

We are living in a world that often feels overwhelming, where, without a word from God, nothing truly makes sense. Many of us have asked the deepest questions about life: “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” “What is my purpose?” These are not just philosophical musings, but cries from the heart that reflect a longing for meaning and significance. Perhaps you've found yourself in a moment of despair, feeling lost or disconnected from the world around you, wondering what your place is in the grand scheme of things. In a world that moves at an astonishing speed—right now, Earth is hurtling through space at over 1,000 miles per hour—it can be easy to feel insignificant. We are stuck on this planet, unable to slow it down or change its direction, and it sometimes seems as though we are just drifting along with no real purpose. But what if there is a greater reason for our existence? What if our lives are part of a divine design? The Bible answers this question with a resounding yes. In Ephesians 2:10a, we are reminded that we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus. This means that we are not random accidents; we were uniquely and intentionally created, with a specific purpose in mind. In Christ, we have been given new life and the opportunity to walk in that purpose (2 Cor. 5:17). So, what exactly is our purpose in Christ?…

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When You Are Discouraged!

Have you been discouraged—at least to some degree—in the past year? The past month? This week? Are you discouraged right now? On a regular basis, we all become discouraged because we all have problems. Life is really made up of three stages that continually repeat themselves. We are either in a problem, coming out of a problem, or going into a problem.

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Who Am I And Why Am I Here?

Our attitudes toward ourselves and why we are here are determined more than anything else by how we picture God. Only when we realize what an awesome God created us will we begin to know who we are and why we are here. When David begins to realize who God really is, he writes Psalm 8. In this great psalm, David tells us five things about God that help us understand who we are and why we are here.

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The book of Psalms is designed to focus our thoughts on God. The Hebrew word translated psalm means “praise.” It signifies singing with the accompaniment of musical instruments (Psa. 150). Psalms has 150 chapters—more than any other book in the Bible. Psalms also has several authors. King David wrote about half of the psalms; Moses wrote Psalm 90; Asaph (Ay′-saf), worship leader at the tabernacle, wrote about a dozen; and most of the others are anonymous.The psalms are expressions of human feelings, ranging from great joy and happiness to deep sorrow and repentance. Some psalms tell us how to deal with sin and find spiritual renewal. Others teach us how to worship God. We will begin our “journey from despair to delight” in Psalm 1 by discovering some secrets for finding lasting happiness, the first of which is …

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